A hybrid emissions avoidance and drawdown methodology for agricultural land.
Why focus on carbon farming?
Soil carbon is the world’s largest terrestrial carbon sink which we believe represents the biggest opportunity to positively impact climate change. By enabling mass adoption of carbon farming methodologies that simultaneously support emissions avoidance, the drawdown of COâ‚‚ and sequestration in agricultural soils, we can generate a billion-tonne scale solution to the climate crisis.
About CarbonPump
Carbon Farming (CPCF)
Our CPCF methodology (patent pending) has been designed to eradicate many of the limitations associated with legacy methodologies such as activity locks and the cost burden of non-anthropogenic soil carbon loss. Until now, these types of limitations have hindered large-scale adoption of farming practices which support carbon drawdown and sequestration.
CPCF changes this dynamic. Instead of placing limitations on land holders, our CPCF methodology rewards farming actions which preserve and increase soil carbon in agricultural soils and as such have a positive impact on climate.
For farmers, running a CPCF project on their land is a low-barrier, high-reward option to become part of the solution to the climate crisis. This is achieved by attributing value to soil carbon as a farm asset in the form of a Climate Action Digital Receipt (CADR) which is then sold on the voluntary carbon market. Revenue from the sale of CADRs can then be used to fund additional investment in farm practices which further improve soil carbon.

For Farmers, the CPCF methodology...
attributes value to the inorganic and organic carbon in your land’s soil in the form of CADRs.
improves soil carbon which has been proven to positively impact agricultural productivity and help reduce agrichemical dependence.
provides an additional revenue stream (sale of CADRs) which can be used to invest in initiatives which further improve carbon soil.
provides a low risk and high impact way to make a positive impact on climate change.
Register your interest in running a CPCF project by clicking the button below.

For Corporates who need to offset carbon emissions...
CADRs generated from CPCF projects:
offer a high integrity and low-risk carbon unit due to their retrospective nature.
are traceable with no risk of duplication.
comply with ISO14064 and are simple to apply in an IFRS and ASIC-compliant way.
Want to learn more about CADRs? Click the button below.
For the Planet, the CPCF methodology...
encourages the adoption of more sustainable and environmentally friendly agricultural land management practices.
provides a scalable approach to rapidly reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide.

Trust in the integrity of current carbon credit schemes is under fire, and for good reason. The risk of purchasing invalid credits, estimated by forecasting and assuming static conditions over long periods of time creates substantial reputational and financial risk for purchasers. CADRs eradicate these risks. When purchasing CADRs, you can be confident that funds intended to support climate action are doing just that in a verifiable way.